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1.3.7 Edit [up] [down]
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SoundFX comes with plenty of editing functions (probably many more than in other software). Please keep in mind that these are destructive operations. That means you directly edit the sample - there will be no new buffer with the result and you can't take edits back. Better save the sample more often to disk. To select a range for processing, just click the starting point and move the mouse to the ending point while keeping the mouse-button pressed. While selecting, the range will be highlighted and the positions as well as the length can be seen in the statusbar. You can fine-tune the selection with the function from the range-toolbar.

These functions are available (every button is followed by a menu) :
button description
1cut - cut selection into copybuffer
2copy - copy selection into copybuffer
3paste - paste contents of copybuffer
4erase - erase selection
5grab - generate a new buffer containing the selection
6zero - set selection to zero (absolute silence)
7overwrite - overwrite with contents of copybuffer

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© by Stefan Kost 1993-2001